True, I have been posting a lot lately about men’s boots, but in the winter, sometimes all you see on a person is his outerwear and footwear, and that’s why I'm a little obsessed. My general feeling about mens footwear is that it should be streamlined and not chunky or clunky. However (and maybe it's the Maine in me), but when it comes to boots and outdoor gear, I love the look of something rugged and tough. It just screams out masculinity. Like this is a guy who would scoop me up, carry me across a puddle and deposit me on dry curb.Here are my picks for rugged, lady-scooping goodness:
Red Wings
Red Wings have enjoyed a monster resurgence as of late, largely due to smart partnerships with some major clothing companies.
These babies above are a J. Crew exclusive. If you get them, make sure you go with the “dark wood" color. "Dark straw" is a color no one should ever put on his or her body, I don't care how close to the ground it is.I also really like the cleverly named Irish Setters.
All that distressing though limits them to weekend wear unless you work in a casual office setting. A work-friendly option in this line would be these.
Here is another classic American brand that makes you think of cattle hides and country gentlemen. They have several elegant styles, but my favorites are the Burton,the Ascot,
and the Darby.
These are a great choice too (and currently on sale!). The website says they're "a favorite of upland bird hunters," but I assume they'll work just as well for when you're heading out to chug beers and watch a game..
Billy Reid
I’m really drawn to these Roper Boots as well. It's wellington meets cowboy boot in the best possible way...brilliant!